Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Hedingham Castle
 [Related Image] A 12th century Norman castle in the village of Castle Hedingham near Halstead in Essex.

The following Knightmare scenes were filmed at Hedingham Castle:

 [Related Image] The first quest of Series 5 featured an Eyeshield sequence walking up the stairs to the Minstrels' Gallery...
 [Related Image] ...and following the passage until they reached a portal.
 [Related Image] The Great Hall appeared in all Series 5 quests that reached Level 2. Team 1 of Series 7 also came here.
 [Related Image] Most Series 5 dungeoneers visited this Level 2 chamber on the top floor, often used as a clue room.
 [Related Image] They left the room via a spiral staircase.
 [Related Image] The Eyeshield sequence leading into the clue room shows another angle that was frequently seen in Series 5...
 [Related Image] Lord Fear's original chamber in Mount Fear!
 [Related Image] The basement, used for storage, is where Team 3 of Series 5 found Elita preparing a ritual. Dungeoneer Sarah then left via the spiral staircase.
 [Related Image] This room was later used as Hordriss' headquarters in Series 6.
 [Related Image] Team 4 of Series 5 approached the keep from the west.
Treguard: "The last dungeon in Level 2, team, but I'm afraid Ben's gonna have to cross a lot of open ground to get there."
 [Related Image] The Gate Tower could be found in the same location.
 [Related Image] An Eyeshield sequence led up the steps...
 [Related Image] the keep entrance. A similar sequence was shown in reverse during the end credits of Series 5 episode 12.

Hedingham Castle is open to the public. Click here to visit the website.

A selection of photographs taken by Jake Collins can be found in Issues 42, 43 and 44 of The Eye Shield.

Provided By: Canadanne, 2025-02-17 22:40:02
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